Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"I Love This Game"

"You know it's been said that we just don't recognize the significant moments of our lives while they are happening. We grow complacent with ideas, or things, or people and we take them for granted and it's usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you've realized how wrong you've been, that you realized how much you need it, how much you love it. God, I love this game."

Danville, Kentucky

It is probably exactly what you are thinking. Danville, Kentucky. Where is that? Why is it so small? Well, it is not a big town, by any means. For those of you who are looking at Centre and are out of state, you are in for a treat. Being a Tennessee girl, I didn't really understand the culture of Kentucky. I mean, there is horse racing and then bourbon. What else to Kentucky besides barefoot hillbillies?

Well you are wrong, don't worry. There are definitely horses (hello, Derby!) and bourbon. Kentucky is just awesome. So awesome in fact that I am in Louisville, KY this summer for an internship. I just can't get enough. The UK and U of L rivalry is hilarious (well, at least to an outsider). People identify where they are from by county, not by city and there is a sense of southern hospitality. Kentucky is special and I know plenty of Centre grads from out of state who stay in the state of Kentucky for reasons like this. 

Okay, so now you are probably wondering about Danville. I love Danville. I love Danville because it IS Centre College. The town is small but it has all the essentials like aWal-Mart (which people frequent a lot, so you can always find a ride). It also has a couple of pretty cool local restaurants like the Pizza Pub (really good pizza), Mermaid's (a beach-themed restaurant), and Melton's Deli (which is always crowded). Oh and we also have five Mexican restaurants- Gaudalahut, Guadalahill, Guadalajara, Orange Guady's, and La Hacienda. Yes, four of those are Guadalaraja Mexican Restaurants that have different names based on the locations. Guadalahut used to be a Pizza Hut. Guadalahill is on a hill. I'm sure you get the picture.

When I say there is plenty to do in Danville, I really mean there is a lot to do at Centre. Don't get me wrong, there are things to do in Danville- take a walk in the historic section, go see a movie, throw frisbee at Millenium Park. But what keeps everyone busy is Centre. There are games to attend, study groups at the library, fraternity parties on the weekends, club meetings, sports practices, and so many other things that keeps a Centre student busy. Not to mention class and homework. 

For those of you from a big city, I've heard that there are some people who have had to adjust to Centre life and how it revolves around campus. But it's a positive adjustment. We are the farthest thing from a suitcase college. Everyone is on campus, involved, and doing something. Hardly anyone packs up for the weekend and goes home. Danville is one of my favorite places in the world simply because Centre College is there. You really do start to value a small town because when you're on campus, you don't miss anything. If Centre was in a big city, it wouldn't be the same. The students wouldn't be so bonded because people wouldn't always be on campus. What else are you going to do in Danville other than hang out with Centre people?

This is going to sound a little silly, but I think that Centre people are some of the best people I've ever met. EVER. Of course I want to be on campus with these people. They are my best friends, my team mates, my sorority sisters, my room mates, my coaches, my professors, my life. 

Being a senior actually makes my heart ache a little because I only have a year left. If there is ever one place that I always want to be, it's not back in my hometown (sorry, Mom), it's not in a big city, and it's not some exotic country abroad. It's Danville, Kentucky. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Disney World Spring Break Trip

I was just looking through some photos of our spring break trip to none other than Disney World. Yes, I promise, we did actually play lacrosse. We did have some free time though, which we spent riding every ride in Magic Kingdom and eating our way through Epcot. We challenged ourselves this spring break by playing hard teams from the northeast and we were still able to have fun and relax. Not to mention, the 12 hour bus ride provided a good amount of team bonding.

Centre's 4 Year Guarantee

First, I want to say that if you are reading this blog, then you are on the right track. You're somewhat interested in the best college in the world (well, that's my opinion). So, keep looking. Come visit even.

Second, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Sarah Mastey and I am a senior Spanish and English double major from Chattanooga, TN. I went to an all-girls school for 7 years and loved it. I am interested in a career in marketing. I also love ice cream. So there's a little something about me.

Obviously, because I'm writing this blog for Centre Women's Lacrosse, you can probably guess that I play lacrosse (good, that means you're smart!). However, I would like to say that playing lacrosse for Centre doesn't define me. I absolutely love everything about the team, the sport, and the coaching staff. But, it's nice to know I'm not just a jock. I'm sure that if you're looking at Centre, you have some of the qualities, if not all, that I am about to list. 1. You really enjoy playing lacrosse, but do not want to give up your life, sleep schedule, diet, and academics to do so. 2. You are smart and want to be a professional in something other than lacrosse 3. You are looking at the school's academics first and then at the sport. 4. You've heard of how hip the town of Danville is. Okay, the last one is a joke. But actually, Danville is cute.

The good thing about Centre is that almost all people are involved in more than one activity. Take me, for example, I play lacrosse, hold a position in my sorority, am president of Order of Omega (the Greek Honors Society). I used to write for the school newspaper, and now am a writing consultant for the writing center. I'm also a student representative for the Spanish department, am a double major, and have studied abroad for a semester and will study abroad again in the month of January too. Believe it or not, the list goes on. These are just some of the things off the top of my head.

Now, I don't want you to think that I have started writing this blog to brag about myself- because that's not it at all. At Centre, this is completely NORMAL. Every one of my friends, on the team and not on the team, is just as involved as I am. My point is if you come to Centre, you will be involved. The best part is that because it is such a small school, YOU can actually make a difference. Think about that.

Before you say that you can't see yourself in any of these organizations, don't cross anything off the list. I wouldn't say that I am a typical sorority girl, but I love my sorority and have taken many leadership opportunities within the organization. Needless to say, I am glad I gave it a chance when first getting here. In other regards, if you told me in high school that I was going to be a Spanish major, I would have asked you what I did wrong. It's hard when you're looking at a school to know what exactly you will do. At Centre, there is no point in crossing certain clubs/organizations off your list because they will most likely surprise you. Yes, it's actually cool to be involved here. I promise.

There are so many girls on the team who are RA's, in sororities, are in religious clubs, are presidents of clubs, do community service, started their own club, and so much more. Centre gives everyone the opportunity to not only be involved, but to also be a leader. And, we all balance this with a full load of school work, which I think is pretty impressive.

So, in regards to the title of my entry today, I have called it Centre's 4 Year Guarantee. The title is named very appropriately because when I was being recruited, Centre told me that they have a promise. Now, this promise is extensive so pay close attention. They told me I could play two sports, double major, study abroad (even 3 times if I wanted to), join a sorority, join clubs, have an internship, have a social life (yes, they told me this!) and graduate in 4 years. Not surprisingly, my parents were very big fans of this idea. If, for some reason, this doesn't happen, then Centre will cover the price of the 5th year. I'm not kidding either. However, in my personal experience, I have never heard of someone taking a 5th year paid by Centre simply because they stick to this promise so well. I know of some fifth year seniors, but that is due to something that Centre has no control over. For example, I had a friend who changed her major the fall of her senior year (talk about a last minute decision). Centre didn't cover that cost- rightfully so.

With my experience with Centre, I can actually say I've done everything in the promise. I played soccer, along with lacrosse, my freshman year. For those who are considering two sports, don't think it will be too much. I can promise you, if you love both the sports, it will be worth it. I didn't quit because of the time commitment or anything like that. Actually, if you are thinking about playing two sports in college, you probably have been playing two sports for almost your whole life. Thus making you very good with time management if I had my guess. I quit because I was burnt out and wanted to study abroad for a semester- not because it was too much. In short, dual sport athletes- go for it!

Looking deeper into the promise, I am a double major and didn't have a hard time fitting other classes into my schedule. I even get to take glassblowing in the fall! I studied abroad for a semester in Mexico the fall of my sophomore year. Next year, for Centre Term '14 (our Jan term), I will study abroad in Barcelona. When I graduate, I can say I studied abroad twice, which is almost unheard of at other colleges. With the rest of the guarantee, it's safe to say yes, I am involved based on my list above. I also have an internship this summer in Louisville with Brown-Forman. And lastly, with regards to a social life, it is very easy to be social at Centre. Centre's students want to hang out with you, get to know you, go to parties, and be involved. I have never felt so loved in an environment before.

If you are also scared about how small Danville is, don't be. Everything as far as a social life happens on campus! It's so easy- no driving, no planning. All the fun club sponsored events and fraternity parties are on campus. All the sports teams support other teams by going to their games/meets/matches.

I know that I am not the only one who feels so positively about Centre. You can ask any girl on the team, anyone you know at Centre, or email me for more questions, but there's something about this school that is great. After 3 full years, I think it's safe to say that it is the people who make Centre great. The students, faculty, and coaches are dedicated, involved, passionate, fun, and take a genuine interest in you as a person. I really do mean it when I say that I think people who don't go to Centre College are being jipped of their college experience. This 4 year guarantee is the best kept promise. Ever.